One could argue that I was a perfect child; I didn’t have any eating issues, I was pretty smart when I was 4 and all I wanted to do was go to be at 6:30.
Yes, go to bed at 6:30pm.
For some reason, my parents weren’t okay with this. I’m not sure if it was that they wanted me to participate in “family hour” or if they wanted to piss me off by not letting me get in a solid 12 hours of sleep.
So they made me stay up. Which involved a lot of asking “can I go to bed yet?” “Mom, can I go to bed now?”
When I was a teenager they finally let me start going to bed at whatever time I wanted. But I still asked if it was okay. They’d say, “you don’t have to ask anymore” and I’d respond, “oh yea”. And then I would promptly watch one 30-minute show and go to sleep at 8:30.
Fast-forward to now. I have a huge sleeping complex. I refuse to let myself go to sleep at any time that I don’t deem “appropriate” for sleep. For example, if I’m tired at 8:15, I have to say up until at least 9:45. Then, at 9:45 I can start getting ready for bed and have an actualized bed time of around 10:00pm.
Guys, I have issues.
This cannot be normal behavior. Someone, anyone please tell me I don’t need years of therapy to recover from this.
so i used to do this too. because i would always want to go to bed super early. but i would torture myself and stay up because it was ‘early’
then i realized that was stupid and started going to bed when i wanted.
so you should just do it. then you won’t have the complex anymore.
I am always up for a nap during the day! I love to go to sleep early, and I let myself do so. I have very low iron, my doctors say that’s probably why I’m always tired.
Ah! I can never stay up past my regular bedtime… even if I try! I guess everyone has weird sleeping issues.
I also wanted to go to bed at 6:30 every night. Apparently, as a child, I would disappear from dinner parties, and when people would ask where I was, I was always found in my bed, fast asleep. But I doubt you’ll need therapy for this one. Just let it go.
No shame in going to bed at 8:15. I may or may not have done it last night…
wow. i have never had this problem. maybe i’m the weird one.
i’m a huge night-owl. HUGE. so, i have to make myself go to bed. go figure.
you need a little of me and i need a little of you.
Long lost twins FO SHIZZ!!! I didn’t necessarily ‘want’ to go to bed early as a younging, but was forced, 730pm bedtime in HS. Yes, my Mom loved me. But now I force myself to stay up late, bc as Martha says you can sleep when you are dead. So I push through the 830 slump then have my second wind and can’t get to sleep til midnight or later. Consequently I drag ass all the next day and of course like the genius I am – do it all over again.
ask me this again when I am done getting my degree is psychology…but I am thinking no no hours of therapy will be needed.
I don’t think it’s the same concept, but I have a problem with getting OUT of my bed in the mornings. They have therapy for that too right? I was the kid/teenager/young adult that could sleep til noon-ish with absolutely no problem…. even when I did go to bed at 9:30!
you are TOO funny. Just drink some tea at night, and let your body fall asleep when it’s ready. I don’t believe in bedtimes, or “appropriate” times to sleep. When my body is tired I’ll sleep. If it’s not, I won’t. Emailing you now 🙂
I am the same way. If it’s not midnight bed ain’t happening. Even though that only allows for 6 hr 50 min. So I’m jealous of your 10 bed time.
I am the same way. If it’s not midnight bed ain’t happening. Even though that only allows for 6 hr 50 min. So I’m jealous of your 10 bed time.
I went to bed at 930 on Friday and slept until about 9am. I am terrified for the day I have children and 10+ hours of sleep a night is not attainable. I used to beg to stay up PAST my bedtime when I was younger (like a normal child – you freak) but now the earlier the better.
I agree with Whitney. Go to bed whenever you damn well please. It’s a nice perk of being a “grown up” 🙂
i have mega sleeping issues.. literally cannot function on less than 8 hours of sleep. i love sleep.. it is pretty much the only thing keeping me from having a baby within the next few years. typically i will go to bed anywhere from 9-10pm depending on what tomorrow holds & usually wake up at 7am. the more sleep the better for me!
omg. i cannot seem to get to bed anytime before 1:00 am….no matter what. If I get home from work at a halfway decent hour (i.e. 8-9 pm), still find away to dilly -dally around on my computer till after midnight. Just stupid.
i need 9 hours of sleep. do i get it? not really but i’m dead tired at 6, get my second wind around 9, and sleep at 12….now waking up on time is another story.
i can NOT do it.
hence why i have to take a shower at night or it doesn’t happen:)
My husband needs so much sleep too–like a minimum of eight hours sleep a night but on the weekends as long as he can–and I thought it was just him 🙂