this post will save your life

The title of this post is in no way misleading, nor is it false. This post will, in fact, save your life.


 I speak on behalf of all bloggers who proof-read and spell check their post when I say there is nothing more fucking annoying than reading blogs, the same blogs, that have spelling and grammar errors over and over.

Cheveron is not correct, neither is macaroon (when referring to the French pastry). Also your is possessive. An example: Are those your boots? While you’re is a contraction for you are. An example: You’re coming with us, right? See, it’s not so hard.

Another thing. There, their and they’re. I’m going to make this super simple, okay? I’m not going to go into the types of speech and confuse you with pronouns, etc.
 – Are you going over there? PLACE
 – Is that theirs? POSSESSIVE
 – Oh yea, they’re totally coming with. CONTRACTION FOR THEY ARE

Honestly, I cannot stress how important this is especially if you are at the point (think you’re at the point) of working with brands. You need to be polished, not perfect, but know what the hell is up. No one wants to see a site full of errors and worse, spelling BRAND NAMES incorrectly or pronouncing them incorrectly. That is just shameful. There is no excuse when you can simply google the brand or ask a few blogging friends!

In addition, may I say, that when you email someone you should also proofread that shit. The next person that says “Hey Christine” is going to get a legitimate ass kicking.