Call me what you will, but the first thing I do when I get a new cookbook is read the entire thing cover to cover and try to find the most interesting recipe.
When I got my People’s Pops cookbook, I quickly decided that peach jalapeno had to be made. It turned out exactly how I had hoped; sweet with a kick at the end. I actually o.d.’d on the kick because I love it so.
The recipe is pretty standard as far as pops are concerned and I made a few modifications.
Peach Jalapeno Ice Pops (makes 6)
2 large (ripe obviously) peaches
1 jalapeno
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup water
Puree the peaches, skin and all, in a food processor. Meanwhile, slice 1/4 jalapeno into thin slices and place in a small saucepan along with the sugar and water over medium-high heat. Allow the syrup to simmer about 2 minutes longer than it took for the sugar to dissolve. Remove from heat (please turn off the stove) and let cool. Once cool, add syrup to peaches. I did mine two teaspoons at a time and found the ratio to be 2 ounces of peaches to 4 teaspoons syrup. Put in molds and freeze. Enjoy!
jalapeno & peach! what a combo. sounds oh-so-good for summertime.
I seriously need to get my hands on some pop molds. I know, I say this all the time. I know, I’m a procrastinator.
Yum! Stop making me wish I had popsicle molds.
YUMMY! never thought that these two things would ever go together tho! ha
These look so delicious and refreshing!!
I do the exact same thing with a new cookbook. I read the whole thing like it was a regular book and I flag the most interesting recipes.
HOLY MOLY! These look amazing!!
holy lord woman. these look ah-mazing.
Um. You just blew my mind. Two of my favorite things blended into a summer treat! Yum!
I love this recipe idea. Something fruity and cool with something spicy sounds wonderful. They are pretty pops to boot!
wow this looks good!