You know what I’m real sick of? Passive aggressive behavior on the interwebs. This includes but is not limited to: email, Facebook, twitter, gchat, ichat, instant messenger (yes, people still use it), blogs and skype.
Some could argue that this post is passive aggressive. I would punch those people in the throat. Why? Because they’re liars. I would say pretty much anything to someone’s face. That isn’t to say that I’ve spared a lot of people, especially as of late, from the verbal lashing I can deliver.
No one wants to be on the business end of this wrath. That is for sure. Not even my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Fox. But that’s another story for a different day.
Here’s the thing people, if you don’t have the cajones to man up and tell it how it is to someone’s face, don’t be a little shit and put it in an electronic form of communication. It’s lame and it sends a clear message that you are immature, amongst other things. You are not a bad ass on the internet if you’re a wimp in person. We aren’t fooled. You = serious lamesauce.
So the next time you think of sending some bitchy, passive aggressive email you should think again. You’re only embarrassing yourself and further solidifying that you don’t have a backbone. Remember when your mother told you that “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”? It’s kinda like that.
If you can’t say it to my face, don’t send me some shit in an email because you can bet that I’ll call you out on it and that won’t be a pleasant experience for you. However, it will be a pleasant experience for all bystanders.
I was nodding along going “YEAH!” “HELL YEAH!” and then I got to lamesauce and started laughing hysterically. Now my office thinks I’m weird. But word. People who pussy out over the interwebz instead of really addressing something are real jerks. I’ve gotten plenty of emails and gchats like that and it’s like WHOOOOA son. Slow your roll. Get up and come over here if you’re going to be spouting that ish. Ugh.
You know why no one will be able to call the post passive aggressive? Because there is nothing passive about punching someone in the throat. That’s also the same reason I keep reading.
I love you.
This could be one of the single best blog posts ever. Couldn’t have said it better myself!
Well said 🙂
I love you… so well said!
I completely agree! And I would love to be the innocent bystander. just sayin. this post reminded me of this pin.
you’ll like it. i very recently found your blog and love it. the raw and real is the best. just thought i’d let you know! 🙂
you know what they say…if you have nothing nice to say, come sit by me
…and I totally stole “punch in the throat”. im not even sorry.
I could not agree with this more!! I have quite a few friends who make passive aggressive facebook posts. I’m glad that I can “hide” them. I have no problem voicing my opinion to people and I rarely care about hurt feelings (not entirely true, but mostly true). I think passive aggressive behavior, via posts, makes you sound like a winey b*tch.