May I start this post out by saying how absolutely thrilled I am about today’s feature? And honestly, thrilled hardly sums up my excitement.
If you all don’t know Victoria, I feel sorry for you. She has an amazing blog called vmac + cheese and recently launched her own business, VIVALEUR. On top of just being awesome 24/7, she also lives in San Francisco, which I love. We bonded over hating that people randomly assign us nicknames without our consent. FYI. Her name is not Vicky or anything other than Victoria. I presume she’d let you get away with calling her vmac, but you should get her permission first.
Keep reading to learn five things about Victoria that you probably don’t already know. I completely relate to numero uno and number five is outstanding.
1. I’m semi-prone to fainting. I’ve fainted several times in my life, but most commonly when I’m being super clumsy — once, it was when I hit my funny bone very hard on a door, and another time was when I was in Whole Foods and accidentally dropped a bottle of wine on my foot. Yeah, that last one was a little embarrassing.
2. Over the years I’ve developed a major fear of heights. Even watching people look over balconies on TV gives me bad vertigo. I don’t think I could ever skydive.
3. I don’t drink milk. Not in cereal (sick), not with cookies, definitely not in smoothies, not in coffee, no lattes, nothing. But, bizarrely enough, I have no problem with cheese, ice cream (when it isn’t too melted) or cream sauces. It’s a weird texture thing. Plus, if I have too much of it, it gives me the worst stomach ache.
4. I never learned how to properly swim. Sure, I can swim breast stroke style, but I never learned how to swim doing a freestyle stroke. I’ve thought about doing a partial triathlon (even though I HATE running — welcome to my “idea of the week” mentality), but they’re quickly ruled out because I can’t swim correctly.
5. I also can’t float in water. Have never in my entire life been able to. I don’t understand how people do it. It’s magic, I tell you.
I feel like Victoria and I could possibly be sisters from another mister because I was (and am), hands down, the laziest swimmer in the history of America. Hundreds of dollars down the crapper on that one since I doggy paddle around the pool.
I am the worst/laziest swimmer. I am pretty sure that if someone threw me int othe ocean and I had to swim a mile to an island, I would just let myself sink to the bottom.
Fun! Thanks for introducing me to a new blog!!
Love this series and learning more about all of my favorite bloggers! I faint too. Its not ok. Once at a cubs game bc I stood up too fast. oops.
I’ve never learned how to swim. I can’t even properly go underwater without getting a cup and a half of water up my nose. It’s painful! SO PAINFUL. I hate swimming.
Hahaha, I seriously laugh out loud with your comments. Kenny can’t float either and I’m always trying to teach him!!!
I cannot swim properly either, parents put me in tons and tons of lessons and it just never clicked!
This made me laugh–and i have only fainted once we were visiting a friend for the weekend and my husband had food poisoning and was really ill, I was telling him to be quiet to not wake our friend and not to make a mess {I am a caring wife like that} when I fainted {think it was me panicing that I was going to be ill} making a massive bang–smooth!
Ha ha ha! Too funny about the floating ordeal… it just about relaxing your body & you HAVE to float 😉 Loved the feature, Christin!
I hate swimming so I attempt to float, but easier said than done! Great feature. Hope you have a good weekend. XO
Love Victoria – this is such a great guest post series! And I agree with the swimming…. while I can swim well enough not to drown, I definitely cannot float for the life of me! have a great weekend 🙂
My swim teacher taught me that if you try hard to float, you won’t. You have to relax… which is kinda scary and probably why it’s hard for a lot of people.
I love this series, and am glad to have discovered your blog!
Thats funny about the milk…I’m like that about onions, i will sit there in a restaurant and diligently pick out the onion out of every dish creating a very appetizing pile at the edge of my plate. On that note, have a great weekend!
I don’t know how to swim period. I drowned when I was three (in the middle of my swimming lesson) and was traumatized for life. I’ve thought about learning but I’m too lazy to take lessons now.
this is such a great series! i like to swim laps (when there’s a pool nearby), but i can’t float either!
This is so cute, I love Vic (JK). She is so adorable.
Love sweet Victoria. I am no fan of milk either…though I do drink it in my tea!
So funny about the floating, because I paused at that picture because that is my happy place! Floating in ocean:) This was a fun post! Loved learning a little more abut Victoria!
So many laughs from this one. You two crack me up. Loved hearing more from Victoria, not Vicky 🙂
Love these. I never learned to swim because I don’t float either! It must mean we’re witches. Or ducks. Which is the one that doesn’t float? Ahh, Monty Python. Love your blog so much, I’m glad I’m not the only mean girl in NYC 😉