be kind

Yesterday, I tweeted something to this effect because lately I’ve had a lot of things put into perspective for me. If you missed it, you should read about Dena the next time you feel like you need to check yourself. I’m not saying that I think you need to, but I am saying that sometimes all you need is a little perspective.

A lot of the time as bloggers there is a lot of pressure put on you to be perfect all the time and that’s impossible. Also, many of us don’t tell you everything we have going on in our lives because most of the time, our private lives are just that, private.

This isn’t going to become me, sitting here telling you to be a better person or pretend that I’m some sort of saint, because I’m not. I just feel like people go around assuming a lot of things about others. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; no one is as happy as they seem on Facebook. Life is hard and sometimes it gets the best of you, the key is to get the best of it. To not quit. To keep going. To keep fighting that good fight.

