cuff links // book // slippers // kindle // travel kit // tie clip // speakers // watch
I’m doing something I said I’d never do. I get how crazy that seems but apparently I don’t totally suck at this whole “gift giving” thing, guys. So I figured what better place to start than gift guides for dad. Now, I don’t know about you, but my Dad is one of the hardest people to shop for. Well, second to my Mother and followed by my boyfriend. But that isn’t the point. Hopefully this will help you narrow down what to get your dad. I try to stay pretty general. One year, my brother and I thought a Flip Cam would be a GREAT gift and my father happened to disagree. Lesson learned, Christmas ruined. Keep it simple.
If you don’t like any of the above, the following stores have great gift guide sections on their sites!
Zappos // Nordstrom // Bloomingdales // Neiman Marcus // Saks // East Dane // J. Crew
Dad’s are so hard to shop for!! And mine totally skews all of the ‘dad gifts’ – the man is NOT handy in any way/shape/form and doesn’t wear ties/watches/jewelry…which is what 98% of Dad gift guides are about! The Chef’s book though, that might work!
Gift giving is so hard, isn’t it? Good luck with your shopping- I’m hitting the stores this weekend, and then will make up for it (I never do a good job) on Monday.
This is a great guide! My Dad is literally the most difficult person to buy for, well actually it’s a tie between him & my sister. They have the exact same personality & if you do not get them what they want they will tell you that, tell you what you should’ve got them, & ask for the gift receipt. It’s actually really annoying/rude so I only give them gift cards anymore because it’s easier (& sometimes they still don’t even like that!).
Craig’s basically an old man, so I’m going to consider all of the above for him.