No, not the Jersey Shore but the Geordie Shore. It is the British version of the Jersey Shore on MTV and it is the best thing to happen to me all week.
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If you could imagine a show that is somewhere in between Jersey Shore and Footballers Wives, this is it. My favorite part is laughing at half of the shit they say which includes the following:
The two words and/or phrases that I knew were cock block and duvet. Needless to say, that most of the episode there was a lot of “did she just say?” “what the hell did he say?” “no way I just saw that guys ass”. Yes, they show ass. Oh, one girl pulled out her boobs “straightaway” when she got to the house in the hot tub.
Words cannot describe how elated I am that I found this trainwreck. This shit is pure gold. Run to your computer and watch a few episodes. You’ll thank me later.
Let’s make “Int there like swimwear” a thing here in the states.
Also, thanks for letting me know what I’m doing all weekend.
Is it bad I have never seen an episode of Jersey Shore??? I think it reminds me too much of where I grew up so I feel like I lived the real thing. I do however fill my time with a tremendous amount of other trashy TV that rots my brain!
HA! omg… may just have to check this out JUST to have a good laugh.
I’m so excited. Thanks for this. Just what my life needs- more crap tv hahaha new follower 🙂
ermahgerd… i gots to check this out.
well, I know what I’m doing this afternoon…
ps – have you ever seen Ladette to Lady? In the words of the Brits, it’s brilliant. MTV tried to do an American version but it wasn’t nearly as good.
haha omg what IS this. it’s like jersey shore without the orange skin. well, except for big mama on the right.
wait, wait, wait. I need to see this immediately! get your cock out for the lasses to the tune of the deck the halls – SOLD.
OMG this sounds too awful not to watch it. thank you bwahahaha
This beats ‘Jersey Shore’ by miles if only for the fact that they bare asses and are completely unashamed about showing sex scenes and cheesy propositions.
I randomly stumbled upon your site and saw this post. this is literally one of my favorite shows. I’ve gotten a bunch of friends hooked on this show.