I’ve been tagged. Yesterday Grace tagged me in her five things post so that makes me bound by blogger law to share five things that you don’t know about me. However, since I used to do these posts, I don’t know if there are a ton of things that you don’t know about me. So, here goes nothin’…
UNO) I bite my nails and have ever since I can remember. The only time I don’t bite them is when I have a manicure. As soon as that mani starts chipping, we’re in the danger zone.
TWO) I was the first person in my family to graduate from college. Coincidentally, I’m also the smartest (if I do say so myself).
DREI) When I was three months old, I had open heart surgery which made me the youngest person, at the time, to have the surgery and survive. I’m sort of famous like that.
QUATRE) Not that I’m anti-social or anything, but if I never went to another bar, party, out, etc… again I wouldn’t care.
CINQUE) This may or may not be false: I get tucked in every night.
Now it’s time that I tag my peeps. Alex, Taylor, Lara, Melissa & AV, you’ve been tagged!
Number 2 is killing me- I’m the same way haha! I was the first to graduate college and I’m pretty proud of that and like to be funny about it.
two of five in common: biting of the nails AND the heart surgery, although mine was at age 14 (aortic aneurysm, changed the way they screen people, totally in medical journals, giant scar.) also maybe on board with the going out thing… or that could be the seasonal crabbiness talking.
I was also the first one in my family to graduate from college, and I liked that fact so much, I went on to get my masters too! I’m just thankful my family, who didn’t have the opportunity to go to college, helped support me and gave my the opportunity. It’s a big sacrifice!
I need to make Craig tuck me in. Though he’s usually asleep before me. Which is sad considering I go to bed at like 9:30. Also biting nails will be the death of me.
I can totally relate on #4. Amen sister.
Love this–and I’m TOTALLY with you on number 4. I’m not anti-social by any means, but I kind of just love my house and TLC television on a Saturday night..
Open heart surgery? wow. My dad is a cardiologist, so I’m sure I’ll tell him this next time I talk to him 😉
Getting tucked in is the best!
I insist of getting tucked in for weekend naps too and last night I may have made my husband get out of bed to tuck in one of the dogs. She was v. grateful, obvi. Thanks for sharing! xoxo
I wish I was tucked in if that’s true…I bite my nails too and wow on the open heart surgery!! Wow!! I think I’m the 1st person to graduate college on my father’s side of the family. It’s cool huh? =)
who can I talk to about getting tucked in every night?! And your definitely famous in my eyes!
I did these today, too! Nothing as badass as open-heart surgery, though. Way to be a boss as a tiny infant!
congrats on being the first to graduate from college– my mom was the first in her family and it is something to be very proud of!
I had open heart surgery too, and two of them when I was a baby as well!
p.s i wanna be tucked in every night!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! Learning more, even if i know it, hearing it again is great!!!!! Love YOU!
I totally agree on four. I’m over the bar scene and don’t care if I never go to one again.
Also, ditto on number 2. 🙂
ugh i can’t stop biting my nails either, and i hear ya on the bar scene!
I love this! I had open surgery too; and I’ve found my stress levels effect how much I chew my nails.
Whoa Drei totally makes you famous – and very jealous of there fünf
Love these posts. We are similar in that we both had surgeries at a young age and came through the recovery process quickly. Planning on adding this (with more deets) to my 5 things post. 🙂
Awww think Ill have to do one of these…
Oh my goodness I can’t believe that you had open heart surgery that young. Amazing. And you are pretty smart! Duh!
I bite my nails as soon as my manicure chips too! If I don’t get a mani every weekend, they are down to nubs. The manicurist this past weekend looked at my nails and was just shaking their head the entire time. ….and then they were mad that I picked a color and not a neutral which was a bit of a messy process.
I’m kid of down w/you on the last one…
i completely agree with four. i’m not anti-social but i really don’t like random people around me. and i had never been to a bar until last month (despite being 23) and i HATED it. and i wish i was tucked in every night. that would be awesome!