I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, I only wash my hair once a week. Mostly because I can’t be bothered and partly because washing your hair everyday is bad for you. Or whatever they say.
How do I do this? I have a team of magical garden gnomes that secretly wash my hair for me nightly. But really, I use dry shampoo. There is word on the street that your hair gets used to you not washing it all the time. I believe this word to be true.
Not only is this a picture of my hair on day 6 of not washing it, it’s also a picture of me acting. Hence the filter. But you can see my hair and how not greasy is that part looking? Right.
I instagrammed this a few weeks ago. Also day 6 hair. Day 7 looks pretty much the same but that’s usually when I wash it because, well, sometimes you need to wash it.
What is my trick? This. My other trick? Using it at night and not in the morning. Yes, you read that correctly. At night. I spray my part and then i grab about 1 1/2″ horizontal sections and spray at the root there down to both my ears. If the crown is looking a bit shiny, I’ll give it a spritz as well. Using the dry shampoo at night gives a perfect bed head look in the morning. That “oh yea, my hair is just perfectly messy, be jealous” look.
If you’re freaked out about spraying white powder into your hair, I suggest this (assuming you’re a brunette) or this. I’ve tried all three but the first one is still my favorite.
Any questions?
I definitely need to start using dry shampoo. There’s a word for my hair if I wash it all the time, and it’s “frizz.” Maybe “I-stuck-my-finger-in-an-electric-socket-and-this-is-the-hairstyle-I-got” is more accurate.
I only wash my hair about 1-2 times per week also. Dry shampoo is the key and I also remember reading somewhere years ago that using it at night yields the best results, so I’ve been doing that for at least the last 3 years or so. Oscar Blandi Pronto Dry Shampoo Spray is my weapon of choice.
I have been waiting for you to share your dirty little hair secret. I can’t make it past day three, and the last time I used dry shampoo it was terrible and I decided to stick with baby powder! I’m going to have to try this, but I think with all the sweat my hair accumulates from biking and running and shit I’ll still probably have to wash more than once a week! Thanks for sharing!
Oscar Blandi and Batiste are my two favorite dry shampoos. With my hair type, I can only go about 3 days MAX, so I applaud you!
Ok I’m buying this, today, like it’s already in my cart. I can get 3 days when i straighten it, or blow dry and do big curls – but when it’s curly it’s a day and there ain’t nothing gonna change it. Well I will try with this dry shampoo and let you know! Thanks for your sage advice oh wise one!! 🙂
At night?! That makes so much sense, you are a dry shampoo genius! I have been trying to train mine to go longer but can’t get past day 3.
I have been looking to try a new dry shampoo, I’m def giving the Klorane one a shot! Thanks for the tip!!
I never wash my hair, my friends are convinced I have a wig on or something because it literally dry all the time!
Ok first off, you’re stunning! Oh how I wish I could jump on this dry shampoo bandwagon… I have some but I hate having product in my hair, so rarely use it. I’m just too neurotic about being clean, haha.
But your hair looks fab, dear 🙂
I am totally TOTALLY useless when it comes to making my hair last. I’m happy if I can get it to go two days out of my hair do–and usually that doesn’t even happen. Definitely trying out your dry shampoo rec. I just ran out of my Oscar, so now is the perfect time!
I can’t believe your hair looks so good after 6 days of not washing it, the most I can give mine is one day of rest. But I’m so intrigued seeing how good yours look, the only problem is that I run 5 times a week, so I’m not sure I can get away with it. Maybe I’ll give it a shot, I’ll let you know if that happens 😉
I really like like the idea of not washing my hair but after 24 hours I look so greasy that I don’t think dry shampoo makes me look ok. Forget it if I went to the gym too…
this was perfect timing as I’m on day 4 right now and wishing I had a good dry shampoo…just ordered the first one! hope it works for me too 🙂 thanks!
Ahhh I really needed this post right now, recently my hair has been getting greasy the day after I wash it and I cant stand washing my hair so often. Definitely going to try! Thank you for the suggestions!
Love it! I seriously need to give it a try…especially as a mom, I’m sure it would help my hair so much!
Dry shampoo saves lives. For sure.
Oscar Blandi Dry Shampoo is my faveeee. And I totes agree with you on the nighttime trick. Works wonders!
i really need to try dry shampoo again. i just can’t seem to get past my hair not feeling clean.
I have to wash my hair every 24 hours or it’s grease city! I am definitely needing a good dry shampoo. I used Oribe or Oscar Blandi..can’t remember..and it made my hair look greasier. Obvi I was doing something wrong. I have heard Pssst is great. Either way, I am going to try a few out. Thanks for the motivation!! xo
I wish mine looked as beautiful as yours! My wavy hair is so thick it gets tangled easily, so brushing it makes it frizzy, which means I need to put more product in my hair… it’s a vicious cycle that ends with me just washing my hair again after a couple days max. Grrr! Do you use any products on your hair?
Smart n Snazzy
i just dont think i could do it. i feel so gross if it i dont wash my hair. it also makes me feel tired. that one is probably just me an my weirdness though. but i also have pretty oily hair that gets a strange smell if i dont wash it every other day…says stephen and my brother.
I was my hair about every fourth day, and if for some reason I ever end up washing it more than that, it looks like total crap. However, I’ve yet to find a dry shampoo that actually does anything for me, so I’ll have to try your favorite!
I can get three days out of my hair if I use dry shampoo on the third day. I’m totes trying the trick of using it at night though – thanks for the tip!
PS. Batiste is my favorite.
I already use my dry shampoo at night but my blow out still only lasts a max of 3 days! Will have to try the dry shampoos you are recommending! Thanks!
I’ll give it a shot. None of the dry shampoos have worked for me yet; I always get that damn greasy feeling in the back of my head. Thanks for the rec!
Im am so glad i am not the only one that doesnt want to wash! I had short hair for years and washed it everyday. Now that I have let it grow out, I feel like once or twice and week is sufficient! I like BB hair powder!