My blogger pal and eating soulmate (yes, I did just say that) Nikki, tagged me in this fun game that’s going around the blogosphere and my answers (perhaps off-color) are below…
1. Favorite flower?
The peonie. KIDDING. I’d have to say the ranunculus.
2. Most and least organized space in your home?
This is embarrassing…
most: kitchen
least: toss up. closet and or dresser
3. What book have you read recently that really moved you?
Currently reading Grain Brain and it’s blowing my mind.
4. What dish are you most looking forward to at Thanksgiving dinner?
Stuffing, dressing or whatever you call it. ALWAYS.
5. How do you take your coffee?
Like my men. Kidding. With half and half.
6. Thing you miss most about high school?
Not having any bills.
7. Most memorable concert?
This is a toughie but it would likely have to be the Tim McGraw + Faith Hill, Soul to Soul tour. Yes, I was obsessed with Tim McGraw…and Eminem…at the same time. My musical tastes are very diverse.
8. Dots or stripes?
I have to pick?! Okay, fine. Stripes.
9. How do you unwind before bed?
I do what we call here in the Van Schindewolf household…”relaxy time”. This consists of a TV show after washing your face and brushing your teeth, with no lights on and no technology.
And now for the fun part. I tag Alex, Gaby, Nicole, and Heidi to answer the questions above on their blogs! For more fun, what are your answers? Leave them below in the comments!
My nighttime routine is the same (just with a different name, of course!) of course it’s probably the fattiest option at the dinner table too.
you know you love peonies – admit it.
Haha the bills!! Have to agree with that 😉
Getting on this asap!! 😉
Sometimes I wonder why we only break out the stuffing once a year. And then, on Thanksgiving, I get my answer (when I consume enough of it to feed a smallish country).
Peonies are really pretty though. Especially when placed near a Dyptique candle.
HAHA I love your answers–we have what we call “chill the fuck out” time in my apartment. Essentially what it is is one night a week where we split a bottle of wine into three mugs (yes, mugs) without rationing, turn off the lights, light a candle and talk in the dark. It’s my favorite.
OMG stuffing. Why is it only a holiday thing? I would eat a bucket full of it year round. And then be totally grossed out with myself, but still.
i love peonies but there are so many other pretty flowers that people seem to forget about. i love ranunculus, dahlias and tulips, but i am still a sucker for pink roses. also, i am pretty sure there is nothing better than washing your face and crawling in bed.
your answers are hilarious! i can always count on your blog for a good laugh!
Ooh, how are you liking Grain Brain? I almost got it the other day but I wasn’t really sure if it’d be too dry and clinical. Is it an interesting read? Worth the time?
Goddamn peonies.