…To all the bloggers that obviously don’t want engagement on their blogs,
Do yourself a favor and remove the captcha. What’s a captcha? That lame ass shit that makes me figure out what random combination of numbers and letters on your comment form. It is utterly ridiculous. Also, every time I see it, I wish I was with you so that I could punch you in the face.
No joke.
I’m not the only one who feels this way.
Stop it.
There are other things you can do to stop spam comments on your blog besides this serious annoyance. Got it? In the words of Uncle “creepy dude in the basement” Joey, cut it out.
THANK YOU! Say it loud, say it proud.
Amen sistah friend.
I agree! When did this randomly start!! Ew, I hate it. Makes me not comment anymore 🙁
This the WORST. Thank you for posting. But PS what else can you do to stop spammers??
Totally agree – when I see this it makes me not even finish my comment. Some say that is lazy. Oh well.
oh god i hate these so much!
i’m so glad i haven’t had captcha on my blog for a long time…i sure wouldn’t want a punch in the face.
If I could put a positive spin on this – I removed my captcha on my blog a month ago and I have not seen one spammy comment. I still moderate comments before I publish them, I just don’t assume that my readers are ‘robots.’
so i just read this and i was all like i effing hate that too. and then i went to check out the security settings on my blog and i realized i do it. sorry. i am taking it off. i remember putting it up a few years ago when i was getting a TON of spam in chinese characters with links to porn. i am going to take it off for awhile and see how it goes…
here is to chinese porn!
yessssssssssss! preach it.
Uh I’m slowly learning half the people who have it on dont even know they do. Oy vey
i agree! but fyi – it was uncle joey whose catch phrase was “cut it out” (i interviewed dave coulier and he said it in the video!)
michelle’s was…”you got it dude?!?”
Friggin hilarious! I hate that thing. Thank you.
Cathy Trails
I wish I could hug you through the Internet. PREACH.
I wish I got spam comments from Chinese porn sites. I hardly get any comments.
i have TRIED AND TRIED to get this deleted from the world. but the big man upstairs said some people need to be punished once in a while. and this is his way.
A to the Men holy hell I’m so mad when I type a long comment and THEN have to fill that crap out too
I totally agree! It is so annoying when I have to fill that out each time, such a pain! x
Kate {Something Fabulous}
Just saw your post over on Julia’s blog and I am your newest follower! I couldn’t agree with you more on this “lame ass shit”!! I am very mad at blogger right now. So annoying!! oxoxoo Elizabeth
PREACH IT!! IT is extremely annoying and i normally exit when I have to fill it out
I’ve been meaning to remove it from my blog for the longest time and this post gave me the reminder – done and done. Especially once blogger added the number to the mix?! Such a pain. Thanks, lady!
Every one have to agree with this! Agreement Letters
Awww damn, my word verification was on… FACK!