In continuing the “tips for blogging success” let’s chat about money, shall we?
Oh, we shall.
Here’s the thing, what you do with your money is none of my business, just like what I do with mine (namely wipe my ass with it because I have so much) is none of yours. However, you make it my business. How? You complain about it. You talk about it. You tweet it. Facebook it. Instagram it.
You’re making me care so much I want to kill you.
Maybe your parents didn’t teach you any better, so let me. You do not talk about money. It is not proper. Got it? Keep your financial shit to yourself. It’s mostly just annoying.
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You are 21 and in college, mc riddle me how you’re affording all those Chanel bags and Loubs? Who do I need to blow to get that? Or how much credit card debt do I need to be in?
I think you need to realize that. Most people have a shit ton of debt. A.K.A. they will be paying for that entire shopbop order for the next 5 years. Which is really, really smart. You should take a class on compound interest and fully understand how incredibly hard you’re screwing yourself. Because it is ridiculous.
Honestly, no one cares and we don’t want to care. So stop putting it in my face so I have to write posts about how freaking annoying you all are.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I think it’s the college girls that do this that drive me the most batty. They obviously have never held a job and have no concept of money and how far it doesn’t go. Join the real world and get a clue, girls.
Thank youuuuuuuuu. I can’t even handle how much this annoys me. People need to shut their mouths and just blog. Wuv you.
This is possibly my favorite post you have ever written. Debt , sexual favors, and/or rich parents are obviously the only way these purchases happen on a $40K salary – and I do not care.
Sandy would be so proud of this post. We never talk about money. Ever. In fact, just thinking about this is making me uncomfortable.
You took the words right out of my mouth. I want to slap some of these girls and explain to them the importance of prioritizing their needs vs. wants! They probably have parent in debt and they are living by example. oy!
YES!!!! thank you for this. (One of my favorite posts, too.)
Truth. I sometimes get slightly envious about what others have and then I realize how much they’re paying for it because they’re fools and putting it all on credit cards. (PS: slightly laughing about your shopbop ad on the right-hand side).
My parents have always taught me that you have ONE credit card/debit card and you pay it off every month. There’s a huge difference between WANT and NEED. Yes, I still am in school and my parents pay for my rent… but I also work and with that money, I save half & maybe sometimes reward myself. It works for me… I know things will have to change when I am through with school… but I know when that point comes, I will not be whining and complaining… I’ll be working my butt off and thankful for what I have. Okay, I’m done. Thanks for the good laugh alone in my office, here again.
Oh & happy weekend!
you are effing brilliant. this annoys me to no end. especially because I worked full time to support myself while also in college full time and even then I would never have been able to afford all the things this little princesses brag about owning. I just tell myself, they’ll learn their lesson sooner or later (sooner if they read this…).
This annoys me too! There are some bloggers that just have all the money in the world and aren’t intentionally bragging but either way, it’s still annoying. I totally don’t talk about money! It is so rude! Great post!! xoxo
after a long weekend with the family, i needed a good laugh like this.
bahaha “who do i need to blow to get that?”
i die.
Amen, sister.
Haha amen sister, seriously the MOST annoying thing ever.
I’m glad I’m not the only one. It always makes me less annoyed to imagine that one day they’ll be in so much debt they won’t be showing off anymore, and I won’t have to hear about it ever again.